The kitchen is a perfect place to share a glass of wine, serve friends, and properly store the rest of the wine bottles. Combine a need with a beautiful piece of hand made furniture is just what master craftsman Eckhard did for a couple of Anthem residents. The unit is inspired by a wine barrel, but made entirely of cherry. The table top was constructed of several individual cherry boards and assembled to form a unique pattern. The barrel was made from 27 individual pieces cut like staves, and providing space for the wine rack. The rack consists of 1" dowels to support 25 wine bottles, each tipped with a champagne cork.......just because it needed something more colorful. The unit was stained, given two coats of polyurethane and the top has an epoxy "bar top" coating applied for a glossy finish and long life.
Island Wine Rack and Table
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Project Owner
Eckhard Fadtke
Project Type