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Calculate Board Feet

Parameters Values
Thickness (in)
See Note 2
Width (in)
Example 8.25
Length (in)
Board Feet 0.00
Total Board Feet 0.00
  1. Hardwood lumber is typically sold by the board foot, a unit of volume equivalent to a board that is one inch thick, one foot wide and one foot long, or 144 cubic inches. Lumber thickness is expressed in quarters of an inch, beginning with 1 inch, so that 1 inch lumber is designated as 4/4, 1-1/2 inch lumber is 6/4, 2 inch lumber is 8/4, and so on. These units refer to nominal or roughsawn dimensions, not surfaced dimensions.
  2. This program rounds lumber thickness up to the next 1/4" and lumber less than 4/4 is rounded up to 4/4. Thus, a specified thickness of 3/4" will be treated as 4/4" material.