Woodchipper Larry Richard has created this original and unique objet d'art— “The Wave.” Larry says that the inspiration for the Wave came from a visit to an art show in Scottsdale, AZ. Larry’s sculpture is 32 inches tall and 10 inches wide. It is made from redwood heart and poplar.
Larry shared his procedure for making this piece: “I drew the pattern free-form, then made the rough cuts on the bandsaw to create six layers of material. I glued it up, then hogged out the bulk waste with an electric hand grinder. After grinding, I used a random orbital sander to sand through 80, 120, 150, and finally 220 grits. Final woodworking involved cutting the base to create vertical balance.” The sculpture is hand-finished in clear furniture wax and buffed to a final sheen.
The Wave permanently resides on a rotating electric pedestal Larry acquired from Amazon. Larry says he was motivated to attempt the sculpture, because the original inspiration was so beautiful to look at. Thanks for sharing Larry!